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Request Mediation Services & Fee Schedule

We are open for direct mediation services as of April 1, 2021.   Please reach out to us with any type of conflict or dispute, including pre- and post-litigation, to help us help you resolve the situation using mediation and mediation-related practices. Fee structure updated November 27, 2024.

2024 FEE BASIS (individual basis per party) *The fee schedule is subject to change based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines Update*



Income plus Cash Convertible Assets

Administrative Fee
(per qualifying party)

Mediation Fee
(per party)


< 125% of federal poverty individual poverty line (based on single individual, not family size)

< $15,060 x 125% = $18,750


due at time of scheduling or requesting mediation

4 hour minimum

$0/hr/party for qualifying party
(pro bono)


> 125% and < 400% of federal poverty line (based on single individual, not family size)

> $18,750 and
< $60,024 income/year


due at time of scheduling or requesting mediation

4-hr minimum

$50/hr/party up to maximum of $150/hr across all parties (low bono).

If party’s income and cash convertible assets are above 400% of individual poverty line, then $100/hr for that party.


  • The following cases qualify for MMCC services:
    1. At least one party meets Level I or Level II threshold requirements;
    2. Magistrate court cases;
    3. At least one party is represented by a legal aid organization having qualified for representation under that organization’s criteria;
    4. A party is designated as indigent and/or ordered by a Judge to use MMCC for mediation.
  • If a party qualifies for Level I but is paying for counsel, then Level II applies.
  • If a party is court-ordered to use the MMCC’s services but exceeds Level II income, that party will be assessed a rate of $125/hr.
  • The MMCC reserves the right to assess additional fees upon learning that an original assessment as to qualifying level was not accurate or if a mediation session lasts longer than the time allocated.
  1. Fee Thresholds: *At least one party to the mediation must qualify under a lower income/asset threshold (Levels I or II). Each party will be assessed based on their individual threshold as provided for by the party or parties in court financial declarations and/or most recent income or financial asset statement(s). The MMCC will also honor any alternate fees/fee structure set forth in a signed and filed court order.

  2. Selection of Mediator: The Mediation Center will select the mediator unless other arrangements are agreed to in advance by the Center.  All mediators are volunteers in service of the Center and meet SC ADR Commission mediator training requirements.
    Note: The MMCC is committed to promoting the practice of mediation and to assisting in the training/mentorship of potential volunteers in order to maintain a high standard of mediation services. Therefore, unless a specific objection is lodged in a particular case, our mediations may be observed by students/newer mediators. Parties and attorneys will be notified in advance if there will observers at a given mediation, and the observers will be subject to strict rules of confidentiality.

  3. Cancellation/Refund Policy: An upfront administrative fee payment of $25 per party is due to ensure participation of both parties, and to initiate scheduling the mediation.  These administrative fees are due regardless of the parties’ income and are non-refundable. Additionally, any party who fails to appear for mediation, or who cancels mediation less than 24 hours prior to start of mediation, forfeits any advance mediation fees paid. Once mediation is underway, fees paid for that mediation session are non-refundable.

  4. Rescheduling:  Any requests to reschedule will be considered based on the individual circumstances of each cases. Requests hould be made at least 5 full business days in advance of the scheduled mediation. The MMCC reserves the right to reschedule or cancel mediations where fees are not timely paid in advance, per our established deadline (see Payments).

  5. Payments: Administrative fees are due from each party at the time of requesting the mediation (paid through our online portal,  under the Pro Bono/Filing tab, or through Paypal if an invoice was sent).  Mediation fees are due 7 days following the scheduling of the mediation, or 48 hours before the scheduled mediation session, whichever is sooner (and should be paid through the Paypal invoice). Any additional fees are due at the end of mediation but no later than 3 business days after, unless other arrangements are made at the time the fee is assessed. Mediation fees (minus the administrative fees of $25/party) will be refunded in full in cases where mediation is cancelled at least one full business day prior to the start of mediation.

  6. Reference case documents: All relevant documents, including financial declarations, are expected to be provided at the time of confirming the scheduled mediation but no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled mediation.

  7. Duration of Mediation: The MMCC schedules all Family and Probate case mediations for a minimum of 4 hours.

  8. Link to Federal poverty guidelines: https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines